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Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop in Roorkee

1 Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ML Eye Drops PCD Pharma Franchise Company

Riyadh pharmaceuticals PCD Pharma Franchise Company is established in the year 2017. Our company is one of the Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ML Eye Drops PCD Company & Manufacturers in Ambala, India. Riyadh Pharmaceuticals is an ISO 9001 Certified pharmaceutical Company. O...


Riyadh Pharmaceutical

Ambala - 55.01km

Nanhera Rd, Kuldeep Nagar, Nanhera, Ambala Cantt, Haryana 133001, , Ambala Haryana 133001
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Best Third Party Manufacturing for Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop in Roorkee 


Welcome to RednirusMart, a B2B platform connecting you with the best Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drops manufacturers, suppliers, exporters, wholesalers in Roorkee. And third-party/contract manufacturers of Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drops in Roorkee.

Our platform provides a comprehensive list of reliable and trusted companies that specialize in the manufacturing and supply of Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drops. Our listed companies are well-equipped with modern manufacturing facilities and employ the latest technology and quality control measures to ensure the production of high-quality products that meet international standards.

If you are looking for a specific product or are interested in placing a bulk order, our platform allows you to connect with the most suitable company that meets your requirements. Whether you are looking for a manufacturer, supplier, exporter, or wholesaler, we have a wide range of options available for you to choose from.

In addition to this, we also have listings for pharma PCD companies that offer Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drops for distribution in in Roorkee. We also have third-party/contract manufacturers who can manufacture and supply the product under your brand name.


What are the uses and indications for Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop?


Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop is a medication used to treat dry eyes, a condition caused by the insufficient production of tears or poor quality of tears. It works by lubricating the eyes and providing relief from symptoms such as irritation, burning, and itching.

The medication is also used to moisten contact lenses and is suitable for use with both soft and hard contact lenses. It can be used as often as needed throughout the day, but the frequency and dosage should be determined by a healthcare professional.

Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop should not be used if you are allergic to any of the ingredients or have an eye infection. If you experience persistent eye discomfort or pain, vision changes, or any other new symptoms while using this medication, seek medical attention immediately.




What is Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop used for?

Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop is used to relieve dry eyes and discomfort caused by environmental factors, such as wind or sun exposure, smoke, or dust. It is also used to relieve eye irritation caused by allergies.

Are there any side effects of Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop?

Some common side effects of Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop include burning, stinging, or redness in the eye, blurred vision, and increased sensitivity to light. These side effects usually go away on their own, but if they persist or become severe, you should contact your doctor.

Can Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop be used during pregnancy?

There is not enough information available about the safety of Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drops during pregnancy, so it is recommended to consult a doctor before using it during pregnancy.

How should Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop be stored?

Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop should be stored at room temperature and away from direct sunlight or heat. Keep it out of reach of children.

What is the dosage of Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop?

The dosage of Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop may vary depending on the severity of the condition. Generally, it is recommended to use one to two drops in the affected eye(s) up to four times per day, or as directed by your doctor.

Where can I find Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop Manufacturers/Suppliers/Exporters/Wholesalers in Roorkee?

You can search for Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop Manufacturers in Roorkee online or through pharmaceutical directories. You can also contact RednirusMart, a B2B platform that connects pharmaceutical buyers and sellers, to find reliable Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop suppliers in Roorkee.

What is Pharma PCD Company for Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop in Roorkee?

Pharma PCD (Propaganda cum Distribution) Company for Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drop is a pharmaceutical company that offers monopoly rights to a distributor to sell its products in a specific geographic region. These companies offer marketing support, product training, and promotional materials to help distributors promote their products.




So, whether you are looking for a manufacturer, supplier, exporter, wholesaler, or a pharma PCD company for Polyethylene Glycol 0.4% W/v Propylene Glycol 0.3% W/v 10ml Eye Drops in Roorkee, RednirusMart has got you covered. Contact us today to get started.


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